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how to split one row of result in to two rows in impala

Below is the requirement and it needs to converted in SQL.

I will receive only one record from source but I need to verify below condition and split it into two rows in impala.

Expected values from source for final_columns is ('IC', 'OG', 'BK').

I need to check the below condition only if I received value 'BK' in final_columns.

if (final_columns in ('BK')) {
  split into rows based on below conditions
  when dr_type = 'IT' THEN dr_cid else dr_pid
  when cr_type = 'OR' THEN cr_cid else cr_pid
else {
  value as it is in source final columns


  • Could you please try this sql? I created dummy inline view to duplicate the data.

        case when final_columns in ('BK') AND 
        case when dr_type = 'IT' THEN dr_cid 
        when dr_type <> 'IT' THEN dr_pid 
        when cr_type = 'OR' THEN cr_cid 
        when cr_type <> 'OR' THEN   cr_pid 
        else final_columns 
        ( select 1 col union all select 1 union all select 2 ) dummy_record_creation
        case when final_columns in ('BK') then 1 else 2 end = dummy_record_creation.col