This is the sample data in the column. I want to extract the values only associated with 5 in dynamically.
The final structure should be 3 rows of names and values?
I tried with JSON extract function but that not help. Thanks
Final result i want,
value | Key
2113 5
2112 5
2115 5
Achieved the result using multiple splits.
`SELECT distinct split_part(split_part(replace(replace(replace(json_field,'{',''),'}',''),'"',''),',',i),': ',1) as value,` `split_part(split_part(replace(replace(replace(json_field,'{',''),'}',''),'"',''),',',i),':',2) as key FROM table
JOIN schema.seq_1_to_100 as numbers
ON i <=regexp_count(json_field,':') `