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python SQL parser to get the column name and data type

Im using the python SQL parser to get the table information. Im able to get the table name and schema name.

import sqlparse
line = '''
    actor_id integer DEFAULT nextval('public.actor_actor_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    first_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
    last_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
    last_update timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE public.category (
    category_id integer DEFAULT nextval('public.category_category_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(25) NOT NULL,
    last_update timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sample_schema"."sample_table"
    "div_cd" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL
    ,"div_name" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
    ,"org_cd" VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL
    ,"org_name" VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
    ,"team_cd" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL
    ,"team_name" VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL
    ,"personal_cd" VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL
    ,"personal_name" VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL
    ,"username" VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL
    ,"staff_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo
    ,"leader_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sample_schema"."ref_table"
     "staff_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar SORTKEY ENCODE lzo 
    ,"leader_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo
parse = sqlparse.parse(line)
print([str(t) for t in parse[0].tokens if t.ttype is None][0])


But if I want to return the column name and the data type which token I can use for printing both the two DDL.

The output is something like this,[not exactly the same :)]


print column name and data type one by one(maybe in a for loop)

column: actor_id
date type: integer
column: first_name
data type: character varying


  • Code documented inline

    import sqlparse
    line = '''
        actor_id integer DEFAULT nextval('public.actor_actor_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
        first_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
        last_name character varying(45) NOT NULL,
        last_update timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE public.category (
        category_id integer DEFAULT nextval('public.category_category_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
        name character varying(25) NOT NULL,
        last_update timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sample_schema"."sample_table"
        "div_cd" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL
        ,"div_name" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
        ,"org_cd" VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL
        ,"org_name" VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
        ,"team_cd" VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL
        ,"team_name" VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL
        ,"personal_cd" VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL
        ,"personal_name" VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL
        ,"username" VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL
        ,"staff_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo
        ,"leader_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sample_schema"."ref_table"
         "staff_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar SORTKEY ENCODE lzo 
        ,"leader_flg" CHAR(1)  DEFAULT '0'::bpchar ENCODE lzo
    def get_table_name(tokens):
        for token in reversed(tokens):
            if token.ttype is None:
                return token.value
        return " "
    parse = sqlparse.parse(line)
    for stmt in parse:
        # Get all the tokens except whitespaces
        tokens = [t for t in sqlparse.sql.TokenList(stmt.tokens) if t.ttype != sqlparse.tokens.Whitespace]
        is_create_stmt = False
        for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
            # Is it a create statements ?
            if token.match(sqlparse.tokens.DDL, 'CREATE'):
                is_create_stmt = True
            # If it was a create statement and the current token starts with "("
            if is_create_stmt and token.value.startswith("("):
                # Get the table name by looking at the tokens in reverse order till you find
                # a token with None type
                print (f"table: {get_table_name(tokens[:i])}")
                # Now parse the columns
                txt = token.value
                columns = txt[1:txt.rfind(")")].replace("\n","").split(",")
                for column in columns:
                    c = ' '.join(column.split()).split()
                    c_name = c[0].replace('\"',"")
                    c_type = c[1]  # For condensed type information 
                    # OR 
                    #c_type = " ".join(c[1:]) # For detailed type information 
                    print (f"column: {c_name}")
                    print (f"date type: {c_type}")
                print ("---"*20)


    column: actor_id
    date type: integer
    column: first_name
    date type: character
    column: last_name
    date type: character
    column: last_update
    date type: timestamp
    table: public.category
    column: category_id
    date type: integer
    column: name
    date type: character
    column: last_update
    date type: timestamp
    table: "sample_schema"."sample_table"
    column: div_cd
    date type: VARCHAR(2)
    column: div_name
    date type: VARCHAR(30)
    column: org_cd
    date type: VARCHAR(8)
    column: org_name
    date type: VARCHAR(60)
    column: team_cd
    date type: VARCHAR(2)
    column: team_name
    date type: VARCHAR(120)
    column: personal_cd
    date type: VARCHAR(7)
    column: personal_name
    date type: VARCHAR(300)
    column: username
    date type: VARCHAR(6)
    column: staff_flg
    date type: CHAR(1)
    column: leader_flg
    date type: CHAR(1)
    table: "sample_schema"."ref_table"
    column: staff_flg
    date type: CHAR(1)
    column: leader_flg
    date type: CHAR(1)