I need to download a table from postgree to R, but filtered by part of an INT.
I have been trying:
con <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), user= "#####", dbname="######",password="#####"
,host="#####", port='######')
vetor_id <- c("83052407","10406587","12272377")
match_id <- dbGetQuery(con,paste("
FROM public.data2015
WHERE id IN ('", paste(vetor_id,collapse = "','"),"')
",sep = ""))
I also tried CONTAINS
but didn't work.WHERE Contains(id,", paste(vetor_id,collapse = " OR "),"')
is INT and vetor_id
is just part of the values. I mean,vector_id = 83052407 must find id = 83052407000132.
How can I use something like LIKE
and put vetor_id%
Is this what you want?
WHERE id::text like ? || '%'
This converts the integer id
to a string, and attempts to match it against the parameter. If id
starts with the parameter, the condition is satisfied.
Note that this uses a legitimate query parameter (represented by the question mark): you should get used to parameterize your queries rather than concatenating variables in the query string: this is cleaner, more efficient and safer.