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How can I safely overload custom deleter of std::unique_ptr?

I am trying to reduce code duplication while using std::unique_ptr and it's custom deleter.

I have the some containers Foo, Bar which are allocated using one custom allocator, so cannot be freed with delete.

So the current code is:

struct UniqueFooDeleter
   void operator()(Foo* foo) 
using unique_foo_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Foo, UniqueFooDeleter>;

struct UniqueBarDeleter 
   void operator()(Bar* bar) 
using unique_bar_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Bar, UniqueBarDeleter>;

I changed it to:

struct UniqueInternalDeleter
   void operator()(Bar* bar)

   void operator()(Foo* foo)
using unique_bar_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Bar, UniqueInternalDeleter>;
using unique_foo_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Foo, UniqueInternalDeleter>;

How can I do better such that any number of containers that are allocated via internal_free can be used as std::unique_ptrs ?


  • You can make the UniqueInternalDeleter as templated functor and static_assert, if the T is not Foo or bar.

    #include <type_traits> // std::is_same_v
    template<typename T>
    struct UniqueInternalDeleter /* final */
       static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, Foo> || std::is_same_v<T, Bar>,
          " T must be either Foo or Bar");
       void operator()(T* barOrfoo)
       void internal_free(T* barOrfoo)
          if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, Foo>)
             // code for `Foo*`
             // code for `Bar*`

    This makes the your alias to be more specific for Bar and Foo:

    using unique_bar_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Bar, UniqueInternalDeleter<Bar>>;
    using unique_foo_ptr = std::unique_ptr<Foo, UniqueInternalDeleter<Foo>>;