I need to find more than 3 collinear points (by checking slopes between them).
Here is the code that gives slopes:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <search.h>
#define inf INFINITY
typedef struct point_ {
int x;
int y;
float slope(point *p1,point *p2) {
if(p2->y==p1->y && p2->x!=p1->x) return 0;//horizontal line segment
else if(p2->x==p1->x && p2->y!=p1->y) return inf; //vertical line segment
else if(p2->x==p1->x && p2->y==p1->y) return -inf;//point to itself
return (p2->y-p1->y)/((float)(p2->x-p1->x));
I need to sort the points based upon the slope they make with a reference point so that I can find collinearities by checking no.of slopes that are equal.
As qsort_s()/qsort_r()
cannot be implemented in all I have tried using sort_r
from this SO discussion.
int fastCollinearPoints(point *p,int n) {
point copy[n];
int i;
for(i=0;i<n;i++) copy[i]=p[0];
compare function
int slopeOrder(const void *p11,const void *p22,void *arg) {
point *p1 = (point *) p11;
point *p2 = (point *) p22;
point *p= (point*) p;
int a=slope(p,p1),b=slope(p,p2);
if(a<b) return -1;
else if(a>b) return 1;
else return 0;
Facing an error undefined reference to qsort_r by implementing this way. If this can be implemented using qsort_r()/qsort_s(), what changes do I require for compare function?
The 'slopeOrder' does not use the context parameter (arg) at all, Instead it 'manufactor' a point *p = (...) p
int slopeOrder(const void *p11,const void *p22,void *arg) {
point *p1 = (point *) p11;
point *p2 = (point *) p22;
/// point *p= (point*) p;
point *p = (point *p) arg ;
It's hard to verify without specific example to replicate problem.
Also, two more warning from strict compile (c99 -Wall):