All my testbench is trying to do is verify whether or not the LED signal went high, but on Modelsim when I try and simulate it, the clock doesn't even start, but it initializes to zero. I can also step through my design so I don't appear to have an infinite loop or anything like that. Is there anything obviously wrong here, especially with regards to clock initialization and generation?
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module fir_filter_tb();
reg clk, reset_n;
reg led;
top top_level (
$display($time, " << Starting the Simulation >>");
clk = 1'b0; // at time 0
reset_n = 0; // reset is active
led = 0; // output is low
#10 reset_n = 1'b1; // at time 20 release reset
always #10 clk = ~clk;
if (led == 1'b1) begin
$write($time, "Filter Successful");
end else begin
$write($time, "bleh you suck");
endmodule : fir_filter_tb
The problem is with the always
block with led
in it. Since there is no timing control, it prevents time from advancing (time remains stuck at 0). It creates an infinite zero-time loop.
One way to fix it is to use:
always @*
This will only trigger the block when led