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What's the difference between the next situations

Please, tell me difference between the next situations :

public class Test {
    private static < T extends Throwable > void doThrow(Throwable ex) throws T {
        throw (T) ex;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        doThrow(new Exception()); //it's ok

There is no compilation error in this case


public class Test {
    private static < T extends Throwable > void doThrow(Throwable ex) throws Throwable {
        throw (T) ex;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        doThrow(new Exception()); //unhandled exception

There is compilation error


  • The way you have it right now in the question, makes it works because T is inferred to be a RuntimeException( I remember this because of @SneakyThrows):

    private static < T extends Throwable > void doThrow(Throwable ex) throws T {
         throw (T) ex;

    Basically the JLS says that if you declare a method that has throws XXX, where the upper bound of XXX is Exception or Throwable, the XXX is inferred to a RuntimeException.