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TextMate: Anyway to browse/trace variables through classes/objects/files?

Is there a addon where let say I want to see the origin/stack/trace of a variable I can do so?

I primarily want to see where variables are coming from, what classes and files they go through.

If there is another editor that does this well Ill take suggestions as well!



  • I don't think TextMate is able to do that, with or without a plugin.

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    When I was still using it and I wanted to see (and possibly jump to) where a method or property came from I just used Search in Project.

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    Vim in conjunction with ctags and cscope can help you jump from instance to prototype and vice-versa — wether it's in the current file or not — with <C-]> (or <C-$> on my french Mac keyboard); with TagList or TagBar you can see the structure of your code… but none of this can give you the clean overview you are looking for. But there is probably a plugin for that.

    But if that kind of features is important for you it is typically a good reason to use an IDE instead of a text editor. In Eclipse, for example, you have a Type Hierarchy view that does most of what you want and possibly other tools to do the rest. I haven't tried every single IDE under the sun but I think a similar or more powerful feature exists in all of them.

    Maybe in Emacs…