I have a data structure that I have created with GADT and I want to parse some json to this GADT using aeson
. But the type checker complains that It's only possible to create one of the constructors of the GADT in all the cases. See this example:
data Foo = Hello | World
data SFoo :: Foo -> Type where
SHello :: SFoo 'Hello
SWorld :: SFoo 'World
instance FromJSON (SFoo a) where
parseJSON = withText "Foo" \case
"hello" -> pure SHello
"world" -> pure SWorld
So I want to be able to parse the "hello" string to SHello
and the "world" string to SWorld
. The type checker complains with the following error:
• Couldn't match type ‘'World’ with ‘'Hello’
Expected type: Parser (SFoo 'Hello)
Actual type: Parser (SFoo 'World)
• In the expression: pure SWorld
In a case alternative: "world" -> pure SWorld
In the second argument of ‘withText’, namely
"hello" -> pure SHello
"world" -> pure SWorld’
How can I parse some json to a GADT structure like this?
instance FromJSON (SFoo a) where
doesn't fly. You'd get
parseJSON :: forall a. Value -> Parser (SFoo a)
which means that the caller gets to choose which a
they want, and parseJSON
is not in control of parsing the a
from the JSON. Instead, you want
data SomeFoo = forall a. SomeFoo (SFoo a)
instance FromJSON SomeFoo where
parseJSON = withText "Foo" \case
"hello" -> pure $ SomeFoo SHello
"world" -> pure $ SomeFoo SWorld
_ -> fail "not a Foo" -- aeson note: without this you get crashes!
where now
fromJSON :: Value -> Result SomeFoo
does not tell you which branch of SFoo
it will be returning in its type. SomeFoo
is now a pair of a a :: Foo
type and a SFoo a
value. fromJSON
is now in charge of parsing the entire pair, so it controls both the returned type and the value. When you use it and match on the SomeFoo
, that will tell you which type you have to deal with:
example :: Value -> IO ()
example x = case fromJSON x of
Error _ -> return ()
Success (SomeFoo x) -> -- know x :: SFoo a where a is a type extracted from the match; don't know anything about a yet
case x of
SHello -> {- now know a ~ Hello -} return ()
SWorld -> {- now know a ~ World -} return ()
Note that SomeFoo
is basically isomorphic to Foo
. You may as well write
instance FromJSON Foo where ..
and then
someFoo :: Foo -> SomeFoo
someFoo Hello = SomeFoo SHello
someFoo World = SomeFoo SWorld
instance FromJSON SomeFoo where parseJSON = fmap someFoo . parseJSON
Note that you can write the following two instances:
instance FromJSON (SFoo Hello) where
parseJSON = withText "SFoo Hello" \case
"hello" -> pure SHello
_ -> fail "not an SFoo Hello"
instance FromJSON (SFoo World) where
parseJSON = withText "SFoo World" \case
"world" -> pure SWorld
_ -> fail "not an SFoo World"
...but they're not particularly useful, except as another way to write FromJSON SomeFoo
instance FromJSON SomeFoo where
parseJSON x = prependFailure "SomeFoo: " $
SomeFoo @Hello <$> parseJSON x <|> SomeFoo @World <$> parseJSON x