I was trying the following and thinking that I'll get a failure
val failure = Future { Failure(new Exception) }
but instead I got
Can anyone answer why?
can create a failed future, for example
Future.failed(new Exception)
or throw
inside the future
Future(throw new Exception)
or call Future.fromTry
Future.fromTry(Failure(new Exception))
Future(Failure(new Exception))
does not represent a failed future because
Failure(new Exception)
is, despite possibly misleading names, just a regular value, for example,
val x = Failure(new Exception)
val y = 42
so Future(x)
is a successful future for the same reason Future(y)
is a successful future.
You can think of Future
as a kind of async try-catch, so if you are not throwing inside the try
try {
Failure(new Exception) // this is not a throw expression
} catch {
case exception => // so exception handler does not get executed
then catch handler does not get executed.