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Is there need to map ContainerIPDU to frame in arxml

Is there a need to map Container I PDU to frame?.

Also is it require to create IPDUTriggering for ContainerIPDU on any Physical Channel.

Is it necessary that all refer PDUTriggerings in ContainerIPDU are from same Physical Channel?.



  • Depends, yes, no :)

    As ContainerIPdu is just a specific kind of IPdu, it needs to be mapped to a Frame if the underlying CommunicationCluster requires a mapping to Frames (which is not the case for Ethernet).

    For the same reason, a PduTriggering that refers to the ContainerIPdu needs to be aggregated by all PhysicalChannels on which the ContainerIPdu is supposed to be transmitted.

    It is not required that the PduTriggerings that refer to the contained IPdus of a ContainerIPdu belong to the same PhysicalChannel that owns the PduTriggering that refers to the ContainerIPdu itself. But for the actual transport of a contained IPdu on a given PhysicalChannel the latter needs to own PduTriggerings that refer to the respective contained IPdus.