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How to interpret the lambda function as shown?

The following lines are taken from Autosar Adaptive Davinci source code and I have renamed/obscured parts of some information but kept the format intact.

class interface {
    adaptive::core::Result<void> FunctionABC() {
        adaptive::core::Result<void> result{};
        // Do something
        return result;
void main() {
    interfaceABC= std::make_unique<interface>();
    interfaceABC->FunctionABC().InspectError([this](adaptive::core::ErrorCode const& error) {
        logAMessage() << "Starting interface failed:" << error.Message() << ".";

Here I am confused with the line about InspectError(). It feels like it is a lambda function starting from [this] but I fully don't understand on when is InspectError called. Is it after FunctionABC() has returned a result or something else? Notice that it is error message with statement starting interface failed.

P.S. I do not see any definition of InspectError inside FunctionABC.



  • I am not actually sure what you are asking. InspectError is called in main. It is a member function of the adaptive::core::Result<void> returned from the call to FunctionABC().

    You cannot capture this in main because there is no this in main. Also interfaceABC= std::make_unique<interface>(); makes no sense. Moreover main must return int.

    Perhaps things get more clear for you when turning the code into something that actually compiles:

    #include <memory>
    #include <functional>
    #include <iostream>
    struct adaptive_core_errorcode_mock {
        std::string Message() const { return "hello world";}
    struct adaptive_core_result_mock { 
        using ftype = std::function<void(const adaptive_core_errorcode_mock&)>;
        ftype f;
        void InspectError(ftype g) { f = g;}
    class interface {
        adaptive_core_result_mock FunctionABC() {
            return {};
    int main() {
        auto x = std::make_unique<interface>();
        x->FunctionABC().InspectError([](adaptive_core_errorcode_mock const& error) {
            std::cout  << "Starting interface failed:" << error.Message() << ".";

    FunctionABC returns a adaptive_core_result_mock which has a method called InspectError. That method takes a callable of certain signature. Starting from here one has to guess. I guess the callable is stored to be called later. In the code above the lambda is never actually called. The adaptive_core_result_mock could call it via f().