CanTpAddress in AUTOSAR is indirectly mapped to which field of ISO 15765 Specification for Functional Addressing purpose?
Shown below some snippets for reference
Some meaningful implementation related information related to CanTpAddress field will help me a lot. I am assuming it is applicable only for Functional Diagnostic Request type purpose.
The CanTpAddress is for both FUNCTIONAL and PHYSICAL addressing.
They correlate to ISO-15765
SourceAddress -> CanTpAddress.tpAddress
of CanTpNode
referenced by CanTpConnection.transmitter
TargetAddress -> CanTpAddress.tpAddress
of CanTpNode
referenced by CanTpConnection.receivers
of physical or directly in CanTpConnection.multicast
for functionalN_AE
AddressExtension (Extended/Mied Addressing) -> CanTpAddress.tpAddressExtensionValue
functional req vs physical req/res CanTpConnection.taType