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How to validate empty field in azure task in build pipeline using powershell

I'm creating new VSTS/TFS extension in azure build pipeline. In that extension one field accepts a file path and it is optional field. In powershell script, i want to validate the field, if no input is provided then i have to ignore, otherwise i have to check whether input is path of .config file or not.

$ConfigFileName = Get-VstsInput -Name 'ConfigFilePath'
 if (!(Test-Path $ConfigFileName))

          Write-Host "Configuration file doesn't exist."
          "##vso[task.complete result=Failed]" 

          throw "Configuration file doesn't exist."

      if([IO.Path]::GetExtension($ConfigFileName) -ne '.config')
         Write-Host "Invalid configuration file.File type must be of .config"
         "##vso[task.complete result=Failed]"
         throw "Invalid configuration file.File type must be of .config"

I have validated like above, but when user not provided any input then also the $ConfigFileName variable filled with mapping path that is $ value. How to check if input provided to that field is empty or not?


  • For filePath type input field, the default value is source directory (Build.SourcesDirectory, e.g. D:\a\1\s). So, you could check whether the value is not equal to the source directory.

    For example:

      "name": "filePathSelect",
      "type": "filePath",
      "label": "test select Path",
      "required": false,
      "defaultValue": "",
      "helpMarkDown": "test select path"


    Write-Host "get select file path value"
    $fileSelectPathValue = Get-VstsInput -Name filePathSelect
    Write-Host "select file path value is $fileSelectPathValue"
    Write-Host "default path $env:Build_SourcesDirectory"
                    Write-Host "Selected File path is empty"    
    elseif(($fileSelectPathValue -eq $env:Build_SourcesDirectory) -or !(Test-Path $fileSelectPathValue))
                        Write-Host "select path is invalid"
                    Write-Host "select path is valid"

    If the input type is string, then you just need to check whether the value is null or empty [string]::IsNullOrEmpty.