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Helm vs Replace Tokens in VSTS

I have been asked to set up CI/CD for a new app using VSTS and Kubernetes.

It was suggested to me that we could use Helm (but it was made clear it was not mandatory).

The value I am seeing for this tool in our project is to define different values for different environments e.g. database connection string.

But for that we can also use the Replace Tokens VSTS task which is a lot simpler.

A definition explains that Helm is a chart manager and it sort of connections all resources of a system to deploy to Kubernetes.

Our system is just 1 web API (could grow later) so I feel deploying using Helm would be over-engineering the deployment process. Plus, we need this for yesterday.


According to the current context, should I go with Replace Tokens VSTS task or Helm?


  • Just based on your requirement, for example, which is easier to deploy, which is easier to manage, which you familiar or which is easier for requirement changes.

    You also can custom build task to achieve it.