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Azure Devops - How to pass database connection string as environment variable dynamically (azure cli)

Currently I'm using azure devops to deploy an app container to azure.

I've created my release pipeline and added each ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE within variable group.

In order to call the Environment variables dynamically, used below CLI commands in Azure CLI task


# Initialize variable

# Loop through all environment variables
while IFS= read -r var
  # Check if the variable contains __ and starts with specific prefixes
  if [[ "$var" == APPSETTINGS__* || "$var" == AWSS3CONFIG__* || "$var" == CONNECTIONSTRINGS__* || "$var" == SMTPSETTINGS__* ]]; then
    # Extract the variable name and value
    name=$(echo "$var" | cut -d '=' -f 1 | sed 's/^//')
    value=$(echo "$var" | cut -d '=' -f 2-)

    if [[ "$value" == *" "* ]]; then

    # Append the variable and its value to the result
    ENV_VARS+="$name=$value "
done <<< "$(env)"

echo "Constructed envVars: $ENV_VARS"

# Example command using constructed envVars
az containerapp update \
            --name api-dev \
            --resource-group resource-group \
            --image$(Build.BuildId) \
            --set-env-vars "$ENV_VARS"

But, database connection string not set correctly and due to white space it consider as new key. e.g. User Id and Persist security info.

enter image description here

How to escape white space? Please help!

I've tried setting up value as double quote for variable stored in variable group and also directly in script too, but none of them work


  • You can pass environment variables in 3 ways..

    • Just setting them

      export COOKIE=strawberry

    • Putting them in front of the program you are executing

      COOKIE1=chocolate COOKIE2=peanuts bash -c 'set | grep COOKIE'

    • Or if you if you create a set of strings like you did, use 'eval'

      eval 'export COOKIE1=coconut; export COOKIE2=oatmeal' set | grep COOKIE