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PDB symbols could not be loaded (igvk32.pdb not loaded)

While compiling my Vulkan program I was getting this error ref1


I have tried the Microsoft symbol services but it didn't work.


  • When debugging your own code you do not need none of those, because you already have the correct driver binary on your PC. You will not be getting any additional info (symbols such as function names in the driver), since the drivers are not open-source.

    I think in default VS settings it should land you on the last known position before the code crashed. Otherwisely inspect your Threads window, and Call Stack window to identify at which point of execution of your code you are.

    In some cases you do need the correct driver binary to make sense of the call stack. I.e. when you debug from memory dump that was made on a different PC than the one you are debugging on (which I think is not your case).

    Intel symbol server is not publicly available. But best to ask them directly rather than ask 3rd party strangers.