I need to integrate subscription
in my Android app. The subscription
works fine on localhost
in graphiql
. I have deployed my backend on Heroku. I am using apollo-server
and not hasura
My subscriptions
are not working for the url given by Heroku
but it works fine on localhost
. Queries
and mutations
work fine for both localhost
and Heroku
So I am trying to access my subscription from my Android client. I have kept the base url as my local host. I have configured my Android emulator correctly for localhost
and the queries
and mutations
part works for my Android client but my subscription part is not working.
I have configured my Apollo
client for subscription
by adding this
My subscription code looks as follows
val healthConsultationSubscriptionList = GetHealthConsultationSubscription.builder().build()
apolloClient.subscribe(healthConsultationSubscriptionList).execute(object :
ApolloSubscriptionCall.Callback<GetHealthConsultationSubscription.Data> {
override fun onFailure(e: ApolloException) {
Log.i("datafailure","${e.message} ${e.localizedMessage} ${e.cause}" )
override fun onResponse(response: Response<GetHealthConsultationSubscription.Data>) {
Log.i("datais", response.data()?.healthConsultation()?.chiefComplaint().toString() )
override fun onConnected() {
override fun onTerminated() {
override fun onCompleted() {
But I keep getting an error saying Subscription failed Subscription failed java.net.ProtocolException: Expected HTTP 101 response but was '400 Bad Request'
Also when I use Graphiql for my subscription and replace localhost with the Heroku url for my subscription , I get following error.
Are these two issues which I am facing are related to one another?
So there was no problem from my Code. The issue was with the free tier of Heroku
I am using. I tried replacing my subscription with Hasura's
Subscription https://hasura.io/learn/graphql/android/subscriptions/1-subscription/ and it works.