Expected JSON response
"sample-event": "test event",
"sample-id": "123"
Actual JSON response
"sampleEvent": "test event",
"sampleId": "123"
This is the type of mutation to send JSON payload to an API for further processing
GraphQL Schema
type Mutation{
sampleRequest( addDataInput: AddDataInput! ) : SampleResponse @hasScope(scopes: [insert])
input SampleRequest{
sampleEvent : String
sampleId : String
public class SampleRequest{
private String sampleEvent;
private String sampleId;
public SampleResponse SendPayload (SampleRequest sampleRequest){
UriComponents uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(properties.getUrl() + ENDPOINT_NAME).build();
HttpEntity<SampleRequest> entity = new HttpEntity<>(sampleRequest, header);
HttpStatusCode statusCode = restTemplate.exchange(uri.toString(), HttpMethod.POST, entity, HttpResponse.class).getStatusCode();
SampleResponse response = new SampleResponse();
return statusCode;
How to get the expected JSON response that has the key as sample-event and sample-id?
If you're using Jackson (Spring Boot uses it, so I think you are) you can annotate your fields with @JsonProperty
to override the generated name.
public class SampleRequest{
private String sampleEvent;
private String sampleId;