I am using graphQl Hot Chocolate V11 with .net Core 3.1 I have no problem with the identifying of token expire its just the relaying of that problem back to the requester is the problem.
i am trying to add some Authentication to my Requests but i am having an issue with responding when the authorization token is no longer valid due to the time expiring or even any other potential reason for a token to not be valid for that matter.
but when i throw an exception to try tell the requester that their token has expired it is not returning through the Hot Chocolate IErrorFilter style it comes through as like a server error.
if there is any better built in way to check these things and respond to the requester propely could anybody please help me out? i would morse think the error should be displayed like in the format of the last screenshot i guess as a Hot Chocolate IErrorFilter response (the error in that screenshot is if i dont properly handle when a user is not authenticated seen as i dont have a currentUser to add to the context that the query is expecting)
The only thing that semi worked was creating my exception like this it allowed me to add a proper error code but still deoesnt return as an answer to the query
throw new GraphQLRequestException(ErrorBuilder.New()