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Powershell setting up a new user with a specific attribute

I have a script that creates new users that can be used for different operations.

  [string]$GivenName, #=givenName

  [string]$Name, # =sn


  [string]$Description, #=title



after these parameters I have a new-user -name and so on, But I want to user the last Parameter SamAccManager to be added to the adminDisplayName, so I can search who is in charge of that AD user as there will be users that have no logon rights, will be used only for test purposes.

new-aduser -name $DisplayName -DisplayName $DisplayName -Description $Description -GivenName $GivenName -Surname $Name -SamAccountName $usr -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -Path $OU_AD

How Can I integrate to add that info into that specific adminDisplayName field? for example, I want to add in the last section code -admindisplayname $samaccmanager , but I can not do that as it is an invalid parameter. Any ideas?


  • First thing I noticed is that you add duplicate values for Position to the parameters. Also, there is a parameter you do not seem to use: $AdministrationUser and personally, I would change the param names for some of them so it becomes much clearer what they stand for.

    The code below uses Splatting to feed the parameters to the New-ADUser cmdlet. This is a nice readable and maintainable way of calling on cmdlets with lots of properties.

        [string]$GivenName,    # =givenName
        [string]$SurName,      # =SurName
        [string]$AccountName,  # =SamAccountName
        [string]$Description,  # =title
        [string]$OU,           #= distinguishedName of the OU
        [string]$SamAccManager #= AdminDisplayName
    # create a hashtable for the New-ADUser parameters
    $userParams = @{
        Name              = "$GivenName $SurName"
        DisplayName       = "$GivenName $SurName"
        Description       = $Description
        GivenName         = $GivenName
        Surname           = $SurName
        SamAccountName    = $AccountName
        UserPrincipalName = "[email protected]"
        Path              = $OU
        # add the AdminDisplayName attribute as hashtable
        OtherAttributes   = @{AdminDisplayName = $SamAccManager}
    # create the user by splatting the parameters
    New-ADUser @userParams

    Of course, you can also set the AdminDisplayName property after creating the user by using

    Set-ADuser -Identity $AccountName -Add @{AdminDisplayName = $SamAccManager}