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How to set the name of the container when ecs deploys the image

When ECS deploys the container, the name of the container comes as


Is there an option where we can control the name of the container?

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS                               NAMES

9957f08908fa        amazon/aws-xray-daemon   "/usr/bin/xray -t 0.…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour       2000/tcp,>2000/udp   ecs-xray-daemon-family2-1-xray-daemon2-f08780e2a097d7dac101

I have mentioned the name of the container in the task definition like this so I would expect the name of the container to be xray-daemon2 enter image description here


  • No, because the container names in ECS need to be unique to avoid conflicts. Thus there is a code that randomizes parts of the name. Something roughly like this:

    containerName := "ecs-" + task.Family + "-" + task.Version + "-" + name + "-" + utils.RandHex()

    (But you could use the labels in the task ARN to extract the container name that you provided)