I have a module to deploy ecs with ec2 spot, within this module I have several resources aws_autoscaling_group, aws_launch_template.
For aws_launch_template I have the instance_type attribute, but I need there to be several options for the instance types for example t3.micro, t3a.micro etc, various family types.
resource "aws_launch_template" "launch_template" {
for_each = var.ecs_clusters
name = "${var.prefix}-${each.value.ecs_name}-lt"
image_id = each.value.launch_template.image_id
instance_requirements = ["t3a.micro", "t3.micro"]
other attributes..
I am trying to add the attribute instance requirements just to validate the plan, but terraform doesn't recognize it.
Unexpected attribute: An attribute named "instance_requirements" is not expected hereTerraform
Terraform syntax of your snippet is wrong.
The correct way to create a launch template using instance_requirements
is this:
resource "aws_launch_template" "launch_template" {
for_each = var.ecs_clusters
name = "${var.prefix}-${each.value.ecs_name}-lt"
image_id = each.value.launch_template.image_id
instance_requirements {
allowed_instance_types = ["t3.xlarge", "t3a.xlarge", ]
memory_mib {
min = 15000
vcpu_count {
min = 3
other attributes..
And remember, as docs says:
If present then instance_type cannot be present.