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Is there a setting to get ASP.NET web APIs to accept requests from https in an AWS Fargate container and Route53?

I have a web API that seems to only accept http requests and refuses all https request as they all timeout. -> Works -> Does not Works

A request to my AWS hosted API fails to connect to the application.

However, when it is an https request from the postman to the local host it works properly.

I need assistance on how to get AWS to accept an https request since it seems like my code isn't what's doing the rejection.


app.Use((context, next) =>
    // if health check call come through allow it to pass
    if (context.Request.Path.ToString().EndsWith('/'))
        return next();

    // if request is from https allow else reject if it is http
    if (context.Request.IsHttps)
        return next();

    context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden;
    return context.Response.WriteAsync("HTTPS is required");

app.MapGet("/models", (string companyCode, int start = 0, int count = 0, DateTime? earliestCreationDate = null) =>
        // Stuff happens
        return enumerable.Count != 0 ? Results.Ok(enumerable) : Results.NoContent();
    .WithDescription("Returns all models owned by the company using the company code").WithTags("Models").WithOpenApi();

First, I went to Microsoft's website for ASP.NET hoping that the documentation would give me a clue and there was nothing there.

Then I thought since it is on AWS, maybe I'd find a clue in the AWS deployment documenation for dotnet 8 Web Apis but there was nothing about my particular issue.

I then tried googling and stack overflow and still came up empty.


  • The solution was performing TLS termination on the load balancer based on the response from @FahmiNoorFiqri.

    I used AI to get the steps for creating a proper load balancer and modified them to fix my existing load balancer.

    1. Set your region to the region of the resources Load Balancer.
    2. Go to EC2
    3. There should be a box in the Resource section that has the word "Load Balancer" in it. Click it. If you can't find it, scroll the sidebar down till you see the "Load Balancer" section and click "Load Balancer".
    4. Find the load balancer for the API and click it.
    5. Scroll down to the "Listeners and rules" section. You should see it has a single listener with protocol "HTTP" and port "80". Click the Add Listner button.
    6. Set the new Listeners port to "443" or whatever your SSL port is for your configuration and Protocol to "HTTPS". Select the target group that corresponds to your API.
    7. In the security listener settings, choose which certificate your listener should use. In my case, it came from ACM so I choose "From ACM" and selected the certificate that I added for my API.
    8. Click "Add" button and you should now be able to make https request to your API.

    P.S. By deleting, the HTTP listener, you can make it so your API will only accept HTTPS requests.