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PowerShell cmdlets Get-AdfsProperties doesn't contain EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage property

I'm creating ADFS configuration relying party for SAML ASPNET, but when I type Get-AdfsProperties cmdlets into PowerShell for enabling EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage True, the output doesn't contain EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage property.

Why EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage property is missing ?

See Image

when executing the query Set-AdfsProperties –EnableIdpInitiatedSignonPage $True, showing error message

Error Message Image

Kindly help me out


  • If you are on a legacy version of Windows and legacy ADFS, this property is not there. For if you view the MS provided documentation for WS216 and higher...

    AD FS Troubleshooting - Idp-Initiated Sign-On

    The property is there.

    enter image description here


    ... in some cases, not all properties are shown by default. You have to use cmdlets like...

    cmdletname | Select-Object '*'


    cmdletname  | Get-Member 


    cmdletname | Get-Member -Force

    ... to see them all.

    If you just to this...

    Get-AdfsProperties | Select-Object EnableIdpInitiatedSignonpage

    ... you should get a display of that setting and Setting the property is similar

    Set-AdfsProperties –EnableIdpInitiatedSignonPage $True


    As per your comment ...

    ...I'm using Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter ...

    ... how can I achieve Enable IdpInitiatedSignon Page...

    On legacy Windows/ADFS (circa prior to WS2016) it is on by default. There is no need to manually/way to enable it. Just go to the IDP page. 

    or on the ADFS server


    If it is not enabled, meaning, the IdP page does not render, etc., then something went wrong with your ADFS install and you need to uninstall and reinstall it.