My variable declarations are like below:
output [6:0] dout_7seg_3, dout_7seg_2, dout_7seg_1, dout_7seg_0;
wire [6:0] dout_7seg [3:0];
and I tried to assign each dout_7seg_i
to dout_7seg [i]
by coding like below:
assign dout_7seg_3 = dout_7seg [6:0][3];
I got error results like this:
Error: (vlog-13069) "[": syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ';' or ','.
I also tried to use a generate
genvar i;
generate for (i = 0; i<7; i = i+1) begin
assign dout_7seg_3 = dout_7seg [i:0][3]; //I wanted to code like dout_7seg_i = dout_7seg [6:0][i]
and also had the same
vlog-13069 error
Can you help me fix these errors?
Since you are assigning all 7 bits, there is no need to use the packed range ([6:0]
). Simply use:
assign dout_7seg_3 = dout_7seg[3];
assign dout_7seg_2 = dout_7seg[2];
assign dout_7seg_1 = dout_7seg[1];
assign dout_7seg_0 = dout_7seg[0];