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How to visualize the pointers in the code snippet?

I am finding it difficult to visualize this piece of code. I cannot seem to find the ans to this.

I did get the ans for

printf("**r = %d\n",**r);
printf("**s = %d\n",**s);

but other variables are not matching the ans. Please help.

int f(int ** r, int ** s) {
    int temp = ** r;
    int temp2 = **s;
    int * z = *r;
    *r = *s;
    *s = z;

    printf("**r = %d\n",**r);
    printf("**s = %d\n",**s);
    *z += 3;
    **s -= 8;
    **r -= 19;

    return temp + temp2;

int main(void) {
    int a = 80;
    int b = 12;
    int * p = &a;
    int * q = &b;
    int x = f(&p, &q);

    printf("x = %d\n", x);
    printf("*p = %d\n", *p);
    printf("*q = %d\n", *q);
    printf("a = %d\n", a);
    printf("b = %d\n", b);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Expected output:

**r = 12


  • In this declaration the pointers p and q are passed by reference to the function f.

    int x = f(&p, &q);

    The pointer p points to the variable a and the pointer q points to the variable b.

    int a = 80;
    int b = 12;
    int * p = &a;
    int * q = &b;

    Within the function f declared like

    int f(int ** r, int ** s);

    the pointer r points to the pointer p and the pointer s points to the pointer q.

    Correspondingly in these declarations

    int temp = ** r;
    int temp2 = **s;

    the variable temp is initialized by the value of variable a and the variable temp2 is initialized by the value of the variable b.

    You van imaging these declaration like

    int temp = a;
    int temp2 = b;

    In this code snippet

    int * z = *r;
    *r = *s;
    *s = z;

    there are in fact swapped the the pointers p and q pointed to by the pointers r and s. That is after this code snippet the pointer r now points to the pointer q and the pointer s points to the pointer p.

    You can imaging this like

    *r = q;
    *s = p;

    The intermediate variable z

    int * z = *r;

    gets the value of the pointer p.

    You can imaging this like

    int * z = p;

    This statement

    *s = z;

    did not change the value pointed to by s because before this statement the variable s already pointed to p due to preceding swapping the pointed values of the pointer r and the pointer s.

    So these calls of printf

    printf("**r = %d\n",**r);
    printf("**s = %d\n",**s);

    correspondingly will output the value of b and the value of a.

    That is the output will be

    **r = 12
    **s = 80

    As the pointer z has the value of the pointer p then after this statement

    *z += 3;

    the variable a will be increased by 3 and becomes equal to 83.

    In these statements

    **s -= 8;
    **r -= 19;

    the variable a will be decrease by 8 and becomes equal to 75 And the variable b is decreased by 19 and becomes equal to -7.

    At last the function returns the sum of the initial values of the variables a and b

    return temp + temp2;

    that is 92.

    In these statements in main

    printf("x = %d\n", x);
    printf("*p = %d\n", *p);
    printf("*q = %d\n", *q);
    printf("a = %d\n", a);
    printf("b = %d\n", b);

    there is outputted the value returned by the function f

    printf("x = %d\n", x);

    that is 92.

    As the pointers p and q were swapped in the function then now the pointer p points to b and the pointer q points to a.

    printf("*p = %d\n", *p);
    printf("*q = %d\n", *q);

    So these statements output

    *p = -7
    *q = 75

    And these statements

    printf("a = %d\n", a);
    printf("b = %d\n", b);

    outputs the new values of a and b themselves that is

    a = 75
    b = -7

    As for this statements

    printf("**r = %d\n",**r);
    printf("**s = %d\n",**s);

    then for example the expression *r points to the pointer p. So dereferencing the pointer p like *p that is the same as *( *r ) you will get the lvalue of the variable a.