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How do I solve "Reactive<_>' is ambiguous" error in tableView context

I have a method that returns a Single:

func getEventStatus() throws -> Single<EventModel?> {
    return try mainService.getEventStatus()

And I tried to bind it to a tableView but got an error saying that it doesn't work on Singles, so I tried adding .asObservable() but now I get the error

Expression type 'Reactive<_>' is ambiguous without more context

I have tried to look up what it means but there doesn't seem to be any consistency to what the error means, or I can't seem to apply it to my case. This is what the bind looks like:

viewModel.getEventStatus().asObservable().bind(to: tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: EventLogTableViewCell.identifier, cellType: EventLogTableViewCell.self)) { row, data, cell in
    cell.viewModel = data

As the method throws I added do { try catch{} } but that doesn't seem to make a difference.

What am I missing here?


  • The problem is the signature of your method.

    The getEventStatus() method only emits one EventModel and even that is an Optional.

    The items(cellIdentifier:cellType:) method requires an Array of things.