I don't understand why the layout="fixed" is an disallowed attribute value. Could anyone please help find a solution to this error being shown for several pages across our Magento store?
<amp-img layout="fixed" src="" class="lazy lazy-loading lazy-blur p1only" name="NewportHotHero" data-src="/images/5b22c63cd95b2.jpg" width="1500" id="NewportHotHero" height="1"></amp-img></a>
The actual content for this category in the Magento Admin is as follows:
<p><a href="#products"><img id="NewportHotHero" class="p1only" style="display: none;" src="/images/5b22c63cd95b2.jpg" width="1500" name="NewportHotHero" border="0" /></a> <a name="pro_d"></a></p>
Your all attribute looks right, except name="NewportHotHero"
attribute is not documented in documentation.
Or you can play your code posted here and see the error.