hoping someone is able to assist me. Been trying to figure this out for months.
I'm working on a meal report. The report currently shows peoples mid meals: morning tea, afternoon tea and supper.
I'm trying to have the report show breakfast, lunch and dinner as well, but only if there is a mid meal present. So exclude or suppress when its only breakfast lunch and dinner, but show if its breakfast and supper for example.
My issue is from the database table the 6 meal times are all the same database field so I can't figure out a way to have the functionality I want. I can only show all breakfast, lunch, dinner or show none.
Is there a formula or something else I can use to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you are grouping the report on Customer, create a formula that returns 1 for mid-meal and zero otherwise. Then, create a Group selection formula that requires the SUM of that formula at the Customer level to be more than zero.
The Group Selection formula would be something like:
Sum({@TheIfFormula},{YourGroupByField}) > 0