I've got a few VHDL files, which I can compile with ghdl
on Debian. The same files have been adapted by some for an ASIC implementation. There's one "large area" implementation and one "compact" implementation for an algorithm. I'd like to write some more implementations, but to evaluate them I'd need to be able to compare how much area the different implementations would take.
I'd like to do the evaluation without installing any proprietary compilers or obtaining any hardware. A sufficient evaluation criteria would be an estimation of GE (gate equivalent) area, or the number of logic slices needed by some FPGA implementation.
I'd like to do the evaluation without installing any proprietary compilers or obtaining any hardware.
Inspection will give you a rough idea but with all the optimisations that occur during synthesis you may find this level of accuracy too far removed from the end result.
I would suggest that you re-examine your reasons for avoiding "proprietary compilers" to perform the evaluation. I'm unaware of any non-proprietary synthesis tools for VHDL (though it has been discussed). The popular FPGA vendors provide free versions of their software for Windows and Linux which you could use to obtain accurate counts of resource usage. It should be feasible to translate the FPGA resource usage into something more meaningful for your target technology.
I'm not very familiar with the ASIC world but again there may be free (but proprietary) tools available for you to use.