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WebSphere Liberty How to Set up Authenticated Users in server.xml?

How are authenticated users set up in WebSphere Liberty? I have followed the instructions listed here: and here:

But I'm still missing some piece of the puzzle.

Here is what my ibm-application-bnd.xml looks like:

        <security-role name="AllAuthenticated">
            <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS" />

Here is the server.xml:

<basicRegistry id="basic" realm="WebRealm">
    <user name="wasadmin" password="wasadmin" />
    <user name="user1" password="test" />
    <user name="user2" password="test" />
    <group name="admin">
      <member name="wasadmin" />

   <group name="users">
      <member name="wasadmin" />
      <member name="user1" />
      <member name="user2" />


Here is the error message

CWWKS9104A: Authorization failed for user wasadmin:defaultRealm while invoking MyApplication on /myapplication-mainPage. The user is not granted access to any of the required roles: [ROLE_AUTHENTICATED_USER].

Do I need to define a AllAuthenticated role? Is its name AllAuthenticated-role ? How do I get it to not look for the DefaultRealm


  • Here is the page that helped me figure out the problem:

    This is what I added to the server.xml:

    <enterpriseApplication location="MyApplication.ear">
      <security-role name="ROLE_AUTHENTICATED_USER">
        <group name="admin" />