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why Bad state: add(LoginEvent) was called without a registered event handler. Make sure to register a handler via on<LoginEvent>((event, emit) {...})

import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:pooling_apps/data/repositories/auth_repository.dart';
import 'package:pooling_apps/models/user_model.dart';
import 'auth_event.dart';
import 'auth_state.dart';

class AuthBloc extends Bloc<AuthEvent, AuthState> {
  final AuthRepository authRepository;

  AuthBloc({required this.authRepository}) : super(AuthInitial());

  Stream<AuthState> mapEventToState(AuthEvent event) async* {
    if (event is LoginEvent) {
      yield AuthLoading();
      try {
        final UserModel? user =
            await authRepository.login(event.username, event.password);
        yield AuthAuthenticated(user: user!);
      } catch (e) {
        yield AuthError(message: e.toString());

I’m trying to implement the BLoC pattern for state management in my Flutter application, specifically for a login feature. I have set up the basic structure but am encountering some issues with managing state and handling authentication properly. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on best practices for structuring my BLoC and how to handle login events and states effectively.


  • If you want to uase BLoC pattern as state managment and flutter_bloc as an implementation of BLoC pattern, then you should use the latest version. As you can see here

    In bloc v8.0.0, all previously deprecated APIs were removed.

    • mapEventToState removed in favor of on


    So you should do now something like this:

    class AuthBloc extends Bloc<AuthEvent, AuthState> {
      AuthBloc({required AuthRepository authRepository})
          : _authRepository = authRepository,
            super(AuthInitial()) {
      final AuthRepository _authRepository;
      Future<void> _onLoginEvent(LoginEvent event, Emitter<AuthState> emit) async {
        try {
          final user = await _authRepository.login(event.username, event.password);
            user == null
                ? const AuthError(message: 'User not exist')
                : AuthAuthenticated(user: user),
        } catch (e) {
          emit(AuthError(message: e.toString()));