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handling username / password in cookie for login

Making a login script and I have the following cookies right now :

This is on every page, but expires on browser close.

session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '', false, false);

This is stores the username if a successful login happens. When returning to the site it will fill out the username in the login form.

setcookie('Test_User', $_POST['username'], time()+365*24*60*60, '/', '', false, false);

This remembers the value of the 'remember me' option on the login form - true or false.

setcookie('Test_Remember', $_POST['rememberMe'], time()+365*24*60*60, '/', '', false, false);

This stores the user plain text password if they selected the remember me option above and lets them automatically login when visiting the site even after browser close within a day. If this and user cookie are present it checks if valid and creates the user session variables again.

setcookie('Test_Pass', $_POST['password'], time()+24*60*60, '/', '', false, false);

Other things to consider are if you log out the session pass cookie is destroyed.

My problems : I md5 and salt the user password for storage in the database. I actually never know the users pass. Problem is with the remember option I am storing their password in plain view in the cookie. What is the best way to store the pass in a cookie and it be useable in this fashion? What is the standard of doing so? Basically I just want this to act same as Facebook or any other login system. If you tell it to remember you it does - so how do they store the info to log back in without doing so in plain text in the cookie?

Is it best practice to have a separate cookie (4) for this? The session cookie makes sense, but is there not a more optimized way on my end to combine the other three?


  • Multiple sources have pointed to as the best practice for my purposes.