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Add CPLEX to Octave on Ubuntu

I'm on Ubuntu, when I want to add Clpex functions to octave so I can use Cplex functions, using addpath() to pass the folder path as below :

>> addpath('/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210/cplex/matlab/x86-64_linux')

The command is valid with no errors, then I enter the Cplex command to check that Cplex has been added, I get the following error :

>> Cplex 
   error: class not found: dynamicprops

Is there a way to fix this ?


  • Both comments to the question are correct:

    1. CPLEX does not have octave support
    2. dynamicprops is not implemented in octave.

    Given that the CPLEX matlab API depends on dynamicprops, it will not work in octave as is.

    However, you can try a workaround: first install It is not a drop-in replacement for matlab's dynamicprops, but may be sufficient. CPLEX uses dynamicprops for handling parameters, so if you do not modify any parameters then octave-dynamicprops may give you just enough to get cplex working. Of course, even if this works now it may break down in the future...

    Good luck!