I'm on Ubuntu, when I want to add Clpex functions to octave so I can use Cplex functions, using addpath() to pass the folder path as below :
>> addpath('/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210/cplex/matlab/x86-64_linux')
The command is valid with no errors, then I enter the Cplex command to check that Cplex has been added, I get the following error :
>> Cplex
error: class not found: dynamicprops
Is there a way to fix this ?
Both comments to the question are correct:
Given that the CPLEX matlab API depends on dynamicprops, it will not work in octave as is.
However, you can try a workaround: first install https://github.com/farhi/octave-dynamicprops. It is not a drop-in replacement for matlab's dynamicprops, but may be sufficient. CPLEX uses dynamicprops for handling parameters, so if you do not modify any parameters then octave-dynamicprops may give you just enough to get cplex working. Of course, even if this works now it may break down in the future...
Good luck!