Given the following scenario:
is it possible to mix-debug the code (as it is when targeting windows with the mixed-mode debugging feature)?
If not, is there any VS extension or different IDE I can use for this purpose?
I had the same problem recently. I have a dotnet core app that calls some C++ code in a .so library. I see a lot of posts from Microsoft claiming you only need to enable Mixed mode debugging and that you can then step into native code. That DID NOT work for me.
Also, when I debugged .net core apps, output from printf didn't show in neither the Debug window nor in Linux Console.
But I was able to debug my C++ code using this somewhat cumbersome method:
4.1: Connection Type = Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
4.2: Connection Target = Correct Linux subsystem. You might have several, make sure you select the correct one
4.3: Check "show processes from all users" (otherwise you will not see the 'dotnet' process).
4.4: Click on dotnet
4.5: Set Code Type to "Native (GDB) Code"