I've got a text file that I want to read. The file has the following content:
Asdsf adsfsd
asdfa adwfasd
asdf adf
asdf asdfasfd
adfasf asdfasdf
asfda asdfasdf
adfa asdfas
asdf ad
and my code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct Element {
int edad;
char name[50];
int main() {
struct Element aux;
FILE* fitxer;
fopen_s(&fitxer, "Text.txt", "r");
if (fitxer != NULL) {
while (!feof(fitxer)) {
fgets(aux.name, 50, fitxer);
aux.name[strlen(aux.name) - 1] = '\0';
int ret = fscanf_s(fitxer, "%i", &aux.edad);
char endl;
fscanf_s(fitxer, "%c", &endl);
printf("%d %s \n", aux.edad, aux.name);
else {
printf("Error: File not found.");
I had problems before because I didn't know that f_scanf
doesn't take the endline character. Now the problem is that there are some strings in the file that are being chopped. Output:
54 Asdsf adsfsd
12 asdfa adwfasd
545 asdf adf
3243 asdf asdfasfd
324324 adfasf asdfasdf
3124 asfda asdfasdf
432 adfa asdfas
432 asdf a
For instance, in this example the last letter is being chopped. I suspect it has something to do with the conversion to string, adding the '\0'
character, but I'm unable to find the error.
Also I would like to ask if there is a way to do it more elegant.
At least 3 problems:
Wrong test for end-of-file, avoid magic numbers
//while (!feof(fitxer)) {
// fgets(aux.name, 50, fitxer);
while (fgets(aux.name, sizeof aux.name, fitxer)) {
fscanf_s(fitxer, "%c", &endl);
is missing an augment.
Research fscanf_s()
if interested, or better yet, just use fgets()
for input.
Wrong code to lop off potential trialing '\n'
// aux.name[strlen(aux.name) - 1] = '\0';
aux.name[strcspn(aux.name, "\n")] = '\0';