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How to figure out proper xpath for IMPORTXML in Google Sheets - N/A Error?

I'm trying to use the IMPORTXML function on Google Sheets.

For example: =IMPORTXML("", XMLPATH) should return "54.3M"

I used the Chrome inspector to copy the xpath, which gives me:


When I try this in Google Sheets it returns an error: #N/A (Import Content is Empty).

P.S. I'm open to other ways to get the data I need into the google sheet, it doesn't have to use the IMPORTXML function.


  • How about this answer?

    In this answer, IMPORTXML and REGEXEXTRACT are used. And also, it supposes that the URL of is put in a cell "A1".

    Pattern 1:

    In this pattern, "followerCount" is retrieved.

    Sample formula:

    • "followerCount" is retrieved from the script.
    • In this case, when =VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A1,"//script[@id='__NEXT_DATA__']"),"followerCount"":(\d+)")) is used, the retrieved value can be used as the number.


    enter image description here

    Pattern 2:

    In this pattern, "followerCount" is retrieved.

    Sample formula:

    =REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A1,"//meta[@name='description']/@content")," ([\w\d.]+) Fans")
    • The value of "54.4M Fans" is retrieved from the metadata.


    enter image description here
