My goal is coding a BCD adder in Verilog with gates. I have some issues:
1- How can I select bits from first "four bit adders" outputs. My sum is S
. After I used S
in first adder, can I select bits like S[0]
or is there another way?
2- How can I specify inputs, especially if I have a module for four_bit_adder
and it takes one element like A
(4 bits)? I tried to specify some bits, but I couldn't handle it.
For example, A[3]
and A[1]
needed to be 0 or 1 regarding the some situations, but my module takes one element.
My trial is below:
`include "four_bit_adder.v"
module bcd_adder(S,A,B,Cin);
input [3:0]A,B;
input Cin;
output [3:0]S;
wire [2:0]connectors;
four_bit_adder F_A1(S,Cout,A,B,Cin);
//four_bit_adder F_A2();
I added a Cout
output to your bcd_adder
, driven by your or
gate. I changed connectors
to [1:0]
I created a wire for the binary sum (sumb
), driven by your 1st 4-bit adder. This is different from your BCD sum S
. sumb
is connected to the A
input of the 2nd 4-bit adder.
For the B
input to the 2nd adder, I concatenate 4 bits like this:
Here is the completed module:
module bcd_adder(S,Cout,A,B,Cin);
input [3:0]A,B;
input Cin;
output [3:0]S;
output Cout;
wire [1:0]connectors;
wire [3:0]sumb;
wire coutb;
wire cout2; // floating
four_bit_adder F_A1 (sumb,coutb,A,B,Cin);
four_bit_adder F_A2 (S,cout2,sumb,{1'b0,Cout,Cout,1'b0},1'b0);
or (Cout,connectors[1],connectors[0],coutb);