In Expression Engine the {edit_date}
tag would not return a UNIX timestamp like {entry_date}
does. To work around that I used the approach below.
Does any one have an idea of how this could be made easier?
{exp:channel:entries channel="pieces" limit="1" track_views="three"}
$edit_date_string = {edit_date};
$edit_date = NULL;
if(!isset($edit_date_string)) {
$edit_date = {entry_date};
} else {
// Date format: 2011 05 25 00:53:44
// Raw: 20110525005344
$hour = substr($edit_date_string, -6, 2);
$minute = substr($edit_date_string, -4, 2);
$second = substr($edit_date_string, -2, 2);
$day = substr($edit_date_string, -8, 2);
$month = substr($edit_date_string, -10, 2);
$year = substr($edit_date_string, -12, 2);
$edit_date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
echo $edit_date;
As a side note it seems this is an inconsistency which makes it harder to process and compare dates. There would probably be a good reason for it. Does anyone know? Thanks
If you've got PHP 5.3, there's DateTime::createFromFormat
$edit_date = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis', $edit_date_string)->getTimestamp();
Or, even more directly, according to the Expression Engine docs:
$edit_date = {edit_date format="%U"}