I have created a helper to PingPong from 1 to 0, but I'm having a hard time inverting this, so that the value goes from 1 to 0.
Below you can see the code, I'm currently using. I'm also not sure if this is even possible.
_lerpPulse = PingPong(Time.time * 0.5f, 0f, 1f);
And the helper
float PingPong(float aValue, float aMin, float aMax)
return Mathf.PingPong(aValue, aMax - aMin) + aMin;
Thanks in advance!
creates a graph like this
So, to begin at a peak, you can add the distance to the peak along the x axis to the time parameter, which will be sqrt(2)/2 * the length, or 0.707 * length
float PingPong1To0(float aValue, float aMin, float aMax)
float offset 0.707f * (aMax - aMin); // sqrt(2)/2
return Mathf.PingPong(aValue +offset, aMax - aMin) + aMin;
Should hit the falling side of that triangle