I am currently playing with libnftables and json-c (C libraries) my aim is to parse nftables rules in json format with json-c library
The thing is there, nftables elements (a table for example) look like this:
{ "table":{
A nftables table is basically a json_object structure with the key "table" and another json_object structure as value storing all other informations. Chains and rules are similar but with different key
I need a way to retrieve the key (like "table", "rule" , "chain") from a json_object since the whole nftables rules are a mixture of many things making it difficult to guess the kind of nftables elements we are dealing with when browsing through the array of nftables rules.
Thank you!
use libnftables in json mode to retrieve ruleset in json object
get a good json parsin library (I recommend libjansson) to parse json object in order to retrieve informations
NB: you might have to compile nftables to be able to use json output format.