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json-c: Simplest way to access a value from a subarray

    "name":"John Doe",

What is the simplest way to access the highest math score in the above JSON object with json-c?

Is it possible to use something similar to json_object_object_get (jsonobj, "scores.math.highest") ?

If not, do I have to retrieve each individual array to get to the highest score? ie. Get scores, then get math and finally get highest?



  • Looking at the JSON-C docs it doesn't appear to have an easy way to drill down into the structure. You'll have to do it yourself. Something like this:

    struct json_object *json_object_get_with_keys(
        struct json_object *obj,
        const char *keys[]
    ) {
        while( keys[0] != NULL ) {
            if( !json_object_object_get_ex(obj, keys[0], &obj) ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Can't find key %s\n", keys[0]);
                return NULL;
        return obj;

    Pass it a null terminated array of keys and it will drill down (or return null).

    const char *keys[] = {"scores", "math", "highest", NULL};
    struct json_object *obj = json_object_get_with_keys(top, keys);
    if( obj != NULL ) {
        printf("%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(obj));

    Instead, use JSON-Glib. It has JSONPath which will be more familiar, you can use $.scores.english.highest.

    JsonNode *result_node = json_path_query(
    if( error != NULL ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", error->message);
    /* It returns a node containing an array. Why doesn't it just return an array? */
    JsonArray *results = json_node_get_array(result_node);
    if( json_array_get_length( results ) == 1 ) {
        printf("highest: %ld\n", json_array_get_int_element(results, 0));
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find it\n");

    It's a little awkward to use, but you can make that easier with some wrapper functions to take care of the scaffolding and error handling.