I am working on a project where I have to fetch only distinct data from the table display in the dropdown. How can I do that? I am using '''hasura-graphql''' data-provider for it. So how can I get only distinct data from a particular column?
Thanks in advance.
I think passing a default "distinct_on" filter with the column name as value will do the job. Also, hasura recommends sorting by this column in first position.
It is typically recommended to use order_by along with distinct_on to ensure we get predictable results (otherwise any arbitrary row with a distinct value of the column may be returned). Note that the distinct_on column needs to be the first column in the order_by expression.
So i set default sort:
sort={{field: "yourDistinctColumn", order: "ASC"}}//or DESC, your choice
filter={{distinct_on: "yourDistinctColumn"}}
<SelectInput optionText="yourDistinctColumn"/>