I am trying to add strawberry shake to a project for my first time using GraphQL in .NET and I am struggling to get the tooling to work to build the client for strawberry shake to work. The code I am trying to use is:
dotnet graphql init https://github.com/Enterprise-CMCS/managed-care-review/blob/main/services/app-graphql/src/schema.graphql TestClient
I thought the point of this command was to pull the schema but unfortunately I keep receiving a 403 forbidden error in the terminal despite this is a public repo and should not even require a token. In examples I have seen they do not reference the schema file but instead the endpoint (ie, blahblah.com/graphql) so maybe I should not be referencing the file?
This question has gone unanswered for quite some time. I suspect the OP has found a workaround or a solution, but for others that might find themselves here from a search engine.
In this case, where you are not generating against a running server, you can manually download the schema and generate from that local file.
This command:
curl -o DownloadedSchema/ManagedCareSchema.graphql https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Enterprise-CMCS/managed-care-review/refs/heads/main/services/app-graphql/src/schema.graphql
will download the schema from the original post.
Then you can run:
dotnet graphql init -f DownloadedSchema/ManagedCareSchema.graphql -n ManagedCareGraphQlClient -p ./ManagedCareClient
This command uses the downloaded file, specified by the -f
argument to initialize a client named ManagedCareGraphQlClient
in the project in the folder ./ManagedCareClient
The complete sequence of commands to create a solution on macOS or Unix would look like this:
# Generate the solution with a class library and console app.
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install StrawberryShake.Tools --local
dotnet new sln -n ManagedCareClient
dotnet new classlib --name ManagedCareClient
dotnet add ManagedCareClient package StrawberryShake.Server
dotnet sln add ./ManagedCareClient
dotnet new console --name ManagedCareClient.Cli
dotnet sln add ./ManagedCareClient.Cli
# Downloading schema
mkdir DownloadedSchema
curl -o DownloadedSchema/ManagedCareSchema.graphql https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Enterprise-CMCS/managed-care-review/refs/heads/main/services/app-graphql/src/schema.graphql
# Fix typo in schema
sed -i 's/"\\/./g' DownloadedSchema/ManagedCareSchema.graphql
# Initialize the GraphQL client
dotnet graphql init -f DownloadedSchema/ManagedCareSchema.graphql -n ManagedCareGraphQlClient -p ./ManagedCareClient
# Build the solution
dotnet build
The sed
command is there to remove what I suspect is a typo in the schema mentioned in the original post; it would not normally be needed.
It should be straightforward to adapt this to Windows cmd
or PowerShell