I'm currently having to manually edit the batch file to manually tell it which directory to work on.
The directories it has to crawl will ALWAYS start with "2020-" (at least for this year), and sometimes there will be multiple of them if I miss a day.
(if it's any easier, they will ALWAYS be in this format: "0000-00-00")
Is there a way to edit this to account for that?
I've tried just making the source_directory just "2020*" but I know that's probably not how this works lol, any help or pointer in the right direction would be amazing.
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
SET source_directory=2020-05-03
SET target_directory=%~dp0
for /f %%a IN ('dir "%source_directory%" /b') do (
move %source_directory%\%%a %target_directory%
Sorry, I don't use SO too often so I forget how things need to be done.
This is the solution I've come up with. I don't think it's the intuitive way of doing this, but I don't understand batch well enough to do this without nesting loops.
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
SET source_directory=????-??-??
SET target_directory=%~dp0
for /d %%s in (%source_directory%) do (
for /f %%a IN ('dir "%%s" /b') do (
move %%s\%%a %target_directory%