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Coin System in Unity

I have made a coin system (in Unity C#) in the main menu,so I can buy items for them. I would like to pick up the coins in the game scene and add to this score,what I can see in my main menu and in my game scene too.

In the GameManager:

public Text coinText;

PlayerController Script:

    gameManagerScript.coinText.text = "Currency : " + MainGameManager.Instance.currency.ToString();
    gameManagerScript = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();

When the player pick up the coin : `

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        MainGameManager.Instance.currency += 1;
        gameManagerScript.coinText.text = "Currency : " + MainGameManager.Instance.currency.ToString();

in the hierarchy I have made a UI -> Text and have dropped in the GameManager.

What I see in the game scene is : Currency: but I don't see how many I have and not add to the currency.


  • You can use static fields. In your GameManager:

    public static int coins;

    In Player:

    GameManager.coins += val

    You can also access the value using GameManager.coins in MainMenu script. Note:If you're trying to make this data persistent for different runs you can use PlayerPrefs class: