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Enhance DataSourceProperties configuration bean with KMS provided secret

I want to set the password for the datasource programatically and still use auto configuration of Spring GCP and Spring Data.


I want to obtain my password as encrypted blob and decrypt it via Google KMS. I read that spring gcp auto configuration mutates the DataSourceProperties bean to apply gcp secific configurations (

Now I would like to mutate the DataSourceProperties Bean exposed by GcpCloudSqlAutoConfiguration once more. Exposing the DataSourceProperties as follows does not work because GcpCloudSqlAutoConfiguration then doesn't know which Bean to take: the one configured by spring boot auto configuration or mine. But mine should be applied in the very last step of configuration.

public DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties(DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties) {
    return dataSourceProperties;

private String getDecryptedSecret() {
    // get encrypted password and decrypt it
    return "myDecryptedPassword"


  • You should be able to provide your own bootstrap property source that contains a value for spring.datasource.password.


    Full answer is on project GitHub: