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C# constructor using a dynamic vs Interface as a parameter

In the benefit of creating clean decoupled code in c# I was hoping to get some feedback on using a dynamic parameter to construct objects. Typically I believe you'd create an interface and use the interface as the contract, but then you have to create interfaces for all your classes which I think is kind of icky...

So, my question is what are the pros and cons of doing something like this:

class Class1
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Class1(dynamic obj)
        Name = obj.Name;
        Description = obj.Description;


class Class1
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Class1(IClass1 obj)
        Name = obj.Name;
        Description = obj.Description;


  • Pros of the interface:

    • The compiler will tell you if you're using the wrong kind of argument
    • The signature of the constructor tells you what's required from the parameter

    Pros of dynamic:

    • You don't need to declare the interface or implement it
    • Existing classes with Name and Description properties can be used with no change
    • Anonymous types can be used within the same assembly if they have Name and Description properties

    Personally I typically use C# as a statically typed language unless I'm interacting with something naturally dynamic (e.g. where I'd otherwise use reflection, or calling into COM or the DLR)... but I can see that in some cases this could be useful. Just don't over-do it :)